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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    Gold Bar School is a community that provides a rich learning environment where students are active citizens who are encouraged and supported as they engage in their journey as lifelong learners.  We believe that each of our learners is unique and has diverse strengths, interests and needs which are valued and nurtured, and in so doing, each child will be prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century.  We believe strong communities are built through clear and open communication with parents, students and staff and thereby foster safe and secure learning environments for every child to realize their potential.  We believe in empowering our students by celebrating their successes, and by using restorative practices which seek to repair relationships that have been damaged, so that every voice is heard, valued and acknowledged.  We believe every child has the right and the responsibility to belong to our many communities and that each child has gifts that contribute to and enhance these communities, both within and beyond the walls of the school.  We believe success is different for every child and includes processes as well as the product, beyond academics, including social relationships, community building and citizenship.  We believe students will be engaged in leadership roles as they navigate their lifelong learning journey.

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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Principal's Message

June 2024

Gold Bar school is located in east Edmonton close to the beautiful river valley and Gold Bar Park. This amazing location allows us the opportunity to explore the land around us and take in all of the natural elements and learnings our river valley has to offer.

At Gold Bar School we believe our students can be super citizens and leaders. We believe in encouraging and supporting others, making good choices and showing respect to all. We believe that every student, regardless of their individual or academic journey, has a place in our school. Each has a unique set of interests, learning styles and strengths, and plays an integral part in the success of our entire community.

Currently we have classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 and three separate Connections classes. Our Connections program supports students displaying behaviors that need assistance to improve social skills, problem solving skills and coping skills. 

As a staff, we are committed to continuing the culture already established within the Gold Bar School Community. I value open communication and will share information regularly through Principal Messages on SchoolZone, SeeSaw and our school website.  I encourage you to reach out at any point with any questions or concerns.

Please feel free to contact me anytime at 780 466 4116 or by email, donna.overacker@epsb.ca.

I look forward to a year of growth, laughter and achievement! 

Donna Overacker
